Did you know that it only takes the weight of a single dime to be applied to a nerve for it to lose up 50% of it's function? Nerve function is often affected by subluxations. You hear the word subluxate or subluxation a lot in a Chiropractor's office, but what does it mean? How does it happen? Can you fix it? In this article, we will answer the question, what is a subluxation as well as dive into common causes of them and how they affect the body.
What Is a Subluxation: The Definition
Let's start with the basics, of understanding what a subluxation is. A subluxation is defined as a misalignment or a displacement of one or more vertebra in the spine. When these vertebrae become misaligned it can compress surrounding nerves, leading to a disturbance in optimal nerve function. More simply put, life events and stressors can cause vertebrae in your spine to move out of its traditional place. When your vertebrae are out of alignment, your body cannot function properly because the connection to nerves are disrupted.
What Causes Subluxations?
Many people make the mistake of thinking that you have to go through something traumatic to get a subluxation. While it is true that traumatic events such as car accidents or physical injuries can cause subluxations, they are not the only causes. More often than not, simple daily activities cause subluxations in people. There are three types of stressors that can cause your spine to subluxate.
Physical Stressors
Chemical Stressors
Emotional Stressors
Subluxations From Physical Stressors
Physical stressors are the ones that most often come to mind when thinking of causes of subluxations. A physical stressor is any external force or condition that puts strain on the body. These stressors often lead to discomfort, pain, or reduced function. Some common examples of physical stressors include poor posture or repetitive movements. Other common physical stressors that can create subluxations are a sedentary lifestyle, which many people have now with desk jobs, or improper form when exercising. Some more intense examples of physical stressors can include, falls, auto accidents, or sports injuries.
Subluxations From Chemical Stressors
Another type of stressor that can cause subluxations in the body are chemical stressors. A chemical stressor is any substance or exposure to a substance that disrupts the body's normal functions. This disruption often leads to stress on the body. Although the word chemical makes many of us think of laboratories, people are often exposed to chemical disruptors in their daily lives. Some common, yet usually unknown, chemical disruptors include pollutants, allergens, medications, poor diet, and chemical additives.
Subluxations From Emotional Stressors
Finally, the last stressor is one that people are regularly familiar with. However, many people do not know that their emotional stress can be having physical effect on their bodies. An emotional stressor is categorized as any situation or experience that causes psychological strain or distress. Some examples of emotional stressors could be, dealing with relationship issues, work pressures or stress, financial concerns, loss of a loved one, or major life changes. All of these stressors, and more can affect mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and subluxations.
Can Subluxations Be Corrected?
You may have read that section above and thought to yourself, "Oh my gosh, I have one or more of those stressors in my life. I must have a subluxation." If you have a subluxation have no fear, chiropractic can help. Chiropractic adjustments can help correct subluxations in the spine by applying controlled, specific force to the affected vertebrae or joints. This helps to not only realign the spine but reduce nerve interference and restore proper balance in the body.
Additionally, chiropractors do not solely focus on the one area of your discomfort, rather they focus on the entirety of the spine. This is due to the fact that chiropractors help alleviate subluxations based on the belief that the body works as a whole and that it has the ability to heal itself. By restoring alignment in your spine, your body can begin to function properly again and correct many of the issues occurring because of a stressor.
Common Misconceptions About Subluxations
Many people make the mistake of thinking that you have to go through something traumatic to have a subluxation; such as a car accident or some kind of physical injury...but that is not the case at all. Simple living can cause you to subluxate! For example did you know any of these could cause a subluxation in your spine:
Picking up a child
Dealing with sales people
A bad smell
Painting the ceiling
Taking your dog for a walk ( or having them walk you)
Paying bills
Staying up late
Sleeping in a bad position
Sneezing or coughing
Moving furniture
Crazy right?
Another misconception is that you would always feel a subluxation. So if I am not in pain I must not have a subluxation right? Wrong! The majority of subluxations do not present any symptoms, or at least not initially. This is how things can slowly build over time and become more serious of an issue. To avoid this, it is best to get regular chiropractic adjustments
So now that you know they are simple to get, and you may have them without even knowing them I should tell you the good news, they are easy to fix! How? With chiropractic care! Chiropractic adjustments can help correct subluxations in the body by applying controlled, specific force to the affected vertebrae or joints. This helps to not only realign the spine but reduce nerve interference and restore proper balance in the body.
Why is it beneficial to have these corrected you may ask? Not only do adjustments help maintain proper spinal alignment but regular chiropractic care can reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance nerve function, boost your immune system, and promote better posture. Additionally, it can help manage stress, and improve quality of life.
With all of this information, we hope it helps you embrace the love of chiropractic care so that you can live a healthier, more vibrant life.
Stay adjusted, stay well.
-The Chiropractic Team at Orlando Family Chiropractic